Feeding Zone

Our ranch not only feeds our livestock but is a haven for Bald Eagle’s as well!  Here are some pictures and a video of the bald eagles’ that come back to our ranch year after year to feed on placenta’s.  I’m always amazed at how big these birds are. I’m glad we can supply them something to eat in the winter time when food is scarce.

~Erika Fossen~

Here is my video of them on YouTube:





IMG_1742 IMG_1682

The Majestic Bald!




During calving, we have up to 7 Bald Eagles that hang around our ranch and clean up any placentas left laying around. It is quite the site to see them fly in and swoop down in their majestic way. It is nice to know this protected species can find some food during the winter months on our ranch.

~Erika Fossen~