February 25th – 12 New Babies

It was a big day of calving yesterday. Here are pictures of the mothers and baby calves born on February 25th. The information is below the picture.

51Z had her heifer calf unassisted @ 6:00 am and it nursed on its own.

S61Z had her heifer calf unassisted @ 7:00 am and it nursed on its own. She had her 1st calf last year and now this is her 2nd calf.

K264U had her heifer calf unassisted @ 8:30 am and it nursed on its own. This cow has a tendency to ‘show her reed’, which means in the last weeks of her pregnancy, her cervix pushes out and could prolapse. Because her calf is a heifer, we have noted this. We will not keep her in our herd.

T601A had her bull calf unassisted @ 10:00 am and it nursed on its own. This is her 1st calf.

52X had her heifer calf unassisted @ 10:30 am and it nursed on its own. This is her 4th baby. We bought this cow as a bred heifer at an auction.

N234T had her bull calf unassisted @ 1:30 pm and it nursed on its own. He was a big boy when he came out. As you can see by the position of her (the cow’s) head, she is NOT happy that we are near her new calf!

127P had her bull calf @ 2:00 pm and we had to assist her. It was a large calf. This cow’s name is ‘Fertile Mertal’ because she accidentally got bred in the fall, as a calf. When she was 15 months old, and was in a pasture with her pen-mates and a bull, she gave birth to a healthy calf! Thus she has had a calf every year for 12 years. She is a good cow.

U13Z had her heifer calf unassisted sometime in the morning, although wasn’t found until after lunch. It had slipped under the fence and wandered off with the older calves. Because the mom was separated for 3 hours we then had to help it nurse, as she was kicking at it. As you can see by the picture and how far away she is standing, she’s still uncertain about the baby.

570S had her bull calf @ 5:00 pm with help from us. It was another big boy. We bought this cow as a year old heifer in the spring, from a ranch in Lumby. They have been good cows. This is this cows’ ninth calf.

234S had her heifer calf unassisted @ 7:00 pm and it nursed on its own. This line of cows has been in our herd for a long time, the black cow (6th picture) is her niece. This picture of her and her calf shows the excellent mothering qualities. She has her leg back, so the calf can get at her udder with ease, and the cow is licking her baby’s butt and pushing her into nurse.

S13U had her bull calf unassisted @ 7:15 pm and it nursed on its own. The ’13’ line has also been in our herd for a long time and are awesome cows.

219T had her bull calf unassisted @ 7:20 pm and it nursed on its own. This cow is a good producer, but she makes us a little frustrated when she has her calf. She likes to hurl insults (beller loudly) from about 40 feet away, but not help him get up and nurse. Thankfully there was no snow on the ground this year so we knew we could leave him and eventually he would get up and get going.

Today, February 26th, is turning out to be another big day with already 7 born and it is only 1:00 pm. ooh, now 8! Bring ’em on girls!
~Erika Fossen~

7 thoughts on “February 25th – 12 New Babies

  1. Buttons says:

    Oh I love the Black and Whites. We are calving too and I see yours are not dealing with the cold and snow:) That is a lot of calves born in one day. Good luck with the rest. B

  2. Will Sturgeon says:

    My Dad had a saying – “wear out the young ones first”. So let me guess, your youngest gets the orphan bottle duty? Looks like “Uniform 13 Zulu” might need some convincin’. đŸ™‚ Pretty impressive reporting – calves dropping every five minutes in the evening, and someone’s got time to be takin’ pictures! Thanks for your thoughtful generosity in sharing. Will

  3. Jerry Miller says:

    Always enjoy your pictures and writing, Herefords are great, does your ranching operating use any other breed of bulls? Can you share what part of BC your ranches are what town you are near, We visited BC in 2007 went as far as Quesnel really enjoyed the trip.
    Great Job!

    • 2erikas says:

      Hi Jerry, thanks for your comments. My ranch uses purebred Hereford and Black Angus bulls on our commercial (mixed bred) cows. The blog called ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ written on June 3rd, 2014, explains all about our breeding program.
      My co-blogger Erika, lives 15 minutes outside of Merritt BC. My family and I live between Osoyoos, BC and Rock Creek, BC right down close to the US border. Where are you writing from?

  4. Jerry Miller says:

    Thanks for the reply, I live in Southwest Louisiana near Deridder La, My interest is Cattle. My Son and Daughter were active with Hereford Show cattle, Please continue the Blog we look forward to your writing and Photos

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